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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

My Poetry Guide

How often have you felt dense about how much poetry you understand?

I have Dr. Arnold Weinstein to thank for helping ease the insecurity long attached to this dirty little secret of mine. If a scholar as accomplished as he can admit Emily Dickinson has occasionally eluded him, surely I'm not as dense as all that.

Each of Dr. Weinstein's five Teaching Company lectures plumbs a different aspect of Dickinson's sometimes inscrutable verse. I always knew Dickinson was revered but her garbled syntax often kept me at a distance. How great it is to have Weinstein guide me through her style. And even better than feeling a bit more educated is my new sense of now being ready to tackle other poetry.

If you've never tried any of the Teaching Company's Great Courses, you're missing a real treasure. If you have tried any, tell me and others about some favorites.


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