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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Interview With The Bookworm

Why not just a book blog, Pat?

Don't want to be locked into a blogosphere niche.

But what percentage of your posts end up being about literature anyway?

Haven't specifically calculated but I'd estimate about 20%. So what?

Seems like a high percentage for a blog that doesn't want to be a niche. Moving on, why only posts about books you like?

Until I finish my own book, who am I to publicly bash someone who has? Anyway, the people really close to me know about books that haven't moved me, especially when those same people recommended them. Also, instead of being negative, the remaining 80% of my reflections might possibly entice readers to whom books are not that critical.   

OK, I surrender. What has most recently moved you?

Now there's a good question. Try "Station Eleven" (2014) by Emily St. John Mandel. It's a page turner in the best sense of that expression.  


  1. Sorry, didn't like Station Eleven at all. Couldn't relate to the negative futuristic vision that seems a bit far fetched....But on a positive note, I just read JoJo Moyes' follow up to "Me Before You", "After You" which I found totally engaging....

    1. No apology necessary; discerning minds often disagree. Thanks for reading, commenting and especially for the recommendation.
