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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Using The Signs

How easy it is to become used to things that are all around us. But while driving recently it suddenly dawned on me - I can make better use of signs to remind me of important stuff needing my attention. 

STOP:  Being judgmental
YIELD: To others with a different view
CAUTION:  Ambiguity ahead

If I remember to apply this new concept only each third time I see one of these ubiquitous signs, I'm batting .333 - hall of fame territory. I'll be thrilled to succeed just that often. What other signs are worth paying more attention to? What would you add to the sign? I think I'm onto something here - join me.


  1. MERGE: Why don't we do it in the road

  2. SPEED HUMP: Foreplay prohibited, fines double

  3. Not so fast in your judgement regarding being judgemental; read this first http://www.tc.umn.edu/~pemeehl/099CaseConferences.pdf
