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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Friday, June 29, 2012

An Overdue Thanks/More Feedback Welcome

While doing some mindless mowing today, I began reflecting on how busy people are & all the distractions competing for our attention. Decided I've been remiss in not saying thanks more to the folks who read this blog. I wish I could be sure everyone who has gone out of their way to encourage me saw this particular post. Even more thanks to that group.

Recently, my daughter suggested the paucity of responses to questions I pose could be because many people might be hesitant being public about some of the issues I raise. Her insight rings true. I've noticed posts that touch on lighter topics are those that tend to get more comments. Also, several people have chosen to share some amazing stuff with me, but have done so offline. That said, I welcome feedback from anyone on ways you think I could enrich the online dialogue. I will not give up.

Even without a robust dialogue, the response I've gotten has far exceeded my expectations. Time is precious. Each moment you have given me has been appreciated. 


  1. Hi Pat
    Me again. I so enjoy reading your posts. Sue clued me in to this blog after I met her last week. Your comments are so thoughtful and well written. I almost feel as if I am reconnecting with an old friend in a venue of summers gone by. Of course at this time of year my memories always turn to the great times we had at camp !
    I am so enjoying your writings !

    1. Honi; It means a great deal to me when anyone reads my posts but I'm particularly pleased with your comment about "..reconnecting with an old friend...". Thanks for the positive feedback. I'd love to re-connect with you via Facebook so if you happen to read my response to this comment or your earlier one on my post on "Determination", let's see if we can "friend" one another, OK?
