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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Friday, June 24, 2016

Game, Set, Match

I accept the apathy of basketball & baseball fans who have ignored my earlier brilliant attempts at bringing them into the bell curve stadium. My stunning metaphors connecting those sports to authors and books might have struck out with fans not as enamored with literature as I. But it is clearly advantage Pat with respect to tennis fans. How can any fan resist these winners?

Passing shot = An obnoxious comment made by a passive aggressive relative.

Unforced error = Which of us doesn't make several of these per day?

Double fault = Don't tell me you haven't made the same mistake twice - I'll need to see that walk-on-water certificate. Or how about foot fault for the dancing impaired?

And love being equivalent to zero? Only Bob Dylan has served up something equal to that. Come on - tennis fan or not - lob a few my way, wouldja please?

And BTW football fans, there is no excuse for you not to be on my bench. Click the link below or it's fifteen yards for you.



  1. Unforced error = premature ejaculation

    Match point = don't count your chickens

    Second serve = I really liked her friend, but she's okay, I'll take her home

    Tie breaker = mediocre job interview, so it comes down to my suit

    Deuce = let's get this party started
