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My most recent single release - "My True North" - is now available on Bandcamp. Open my profile and click on "audio clip".

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Featuring Buzz & The Insights

Although my calculations show my compensation for the continuing ed courses I teach - factoring in development and prep time -  to be hovering around .02 per hour, the joy of teaching about music makes it so worthwhile.

And I get such a buzz when interaction with students is prolonged. A student from my most recent class - a course about the intersection of music and film - contacted me about an article in the Arts & Leisure section of the NY Times that ran the day after the class ended. This student mentioned how pleased he was to recognize a few films cited in the Times article that had also been featured in my class. His e-mail then went on to say he "...planned to watch..." the films to re-capture the "...passion..." he'd heard in my presentation. As an educator, it rarely gets much better than that.

Getting better acquainted with repeat students also provides insight as I develop future offerings. One student - an avid Bruce Springsteen fan who has attended five of my classes - has turned out to be a terrific resource on the Boss. Between this student, a good friend from Florida who compiled for me a two CD set of what he feels are Bruce's best post "Human Touch/Lucky Day " songs, and a neighbor who has seen Springsteen over 200 times (!), my preliminary research for an upcoming ninety minute presentation on Bruce is ahead of schedule.

Of course, your brain is ripe for picking as well. I'm good on Springsteen music and lore through the mid-90's but if you've got something more recent (and juicy) for me, let me know. Following the Bruce offering, development then begins on "It's Only Rock N' Roll (But I Like It)" - ideas for me? To any of my former students, thanks for the buzz and the insights.

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